Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy
At EAGOL, we recognize our role as an economic organ of society andBy design, our business has an inevitable impact on the environment. Because we at EAGOL are conscious of this, we are committed to conduct our operations in an environmentally friendly and sustainable manner. We constantly and continually dedicate intentional effort towards the improvement of our operational performance in order to reduce possible negative impact on the environmentIn line with our vision to be a Regional leader in the Oil Industry, we have taken the onus to play our part in safeguarding our natural surroundings through responsible reduction of waste and pollution. This we strive to achieve by continuously: believe that tangible contribution towards building economic and societal enhancement of the community is commensurate to our overall performance. As we continue to grow as an Organization, we aim to promote impactful growth of the community around us.
Corporate Social Responsibility is an integral part of our business culture for which an annual budgetary allocation is provided. Our CSR policy outlines the areas in which we aim to make a positive difference for sustainable development through:
NEMA Standards
Complying with the regulatory standards set by the National Environmental Management Authority and maintaining international environmentally friendly best practices in the Oil Industry
Hazard Identification
Participating in preventive identification and evaluation of environmental hazards within our operations and actively working towards adopting measures to eliminate or control them
Pollution Control
Reducing waste and pollution through recycling, conservation and efficient use of our resources across the board
Environmental Awareness
Promoting awareness, accountability and responsibility on environmental matters among our employees, customers, partners, surrounding communities and industry stakeholders.
Environmental Priority
Including protection of the environment as a priority and critical factor in all our business decisions